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- - 1 -
- 2. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n__I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
- This chapter lists supplemental information to the _I_R_I_S
- _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e. The information listed here is
- product- and release-specific; use it with the Installation
- Guide to install this product.
- 2.1 _m_e_d_i_a___w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e__S_u_b_s_y_s_t_e_m_s
- media_warehouse includes these subsystems:
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._v_i_e_w_e_r_s The MediaWarehouse viewer
- framework, including the
- MediaViewer library.
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._v_i_e_w_e_r_s__i_m_a_g_e The MediaWarehouse image
- viewer (required).
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._v_i_e_w_e_r_s__a_u_d_i_o The MediaWarehouse audio
- viewer (optional).
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._v_i_e_w_e_r_s__h_t_m_l The MediaWarehouse HTML
- (World Wide Web hypertext
- markup language) viewer
- (optional).
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._v_i_e_w_e_r_s__i_n_v_e_n_t_o_r The MediaWarehouse
- Inventor and VRML 3D viewer
- (optional).
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._v_i_e_w_e_r_s__m_o_v_i_e The MediaWarehouse movie
- viewer (optional).
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._r_a_p_i_d_a_p_p MediaWarehouse viewer
- configuration files for
- RapidApp user interface
- builder.
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._b_o_o_k_s._d_a_t_a_w__U_G MediaWarehouse Insight book
- and on-line help files.
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._m_a_n._m_a_n_p_a_g_e_s MediaWarehouse (application
- and viewer framework)
- reference pages.
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._m_a_n._r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s These release notes.
- - 2 -
- 2.2 _M_e_d_i_a_W_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e__S_u_b_s_y_s_t_e_m__D_i_s_k__S_p_a_c_e__R_e_q_u_i_r_e_m_e_n_t_s
- This section lists the subsystems (and their sizes) of
- MediaWarehouse.
- If you are installing this product for the first time, the
- subsystems marked ``default'' are the ones that are
- installed if you use the ``go'' menu item. To install a
- different set of subsystems, use the ``install,''
- ``remove,'' ``keep,'' and ``step'' commands in _i_n_s_t to
- customize the list of subsystems to be installed, then
- select the ``go'' menu item.
- Note: The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to
- the _I_R_I_S _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e for information
- on finding exact sizes.
- Subsystem Name Subsystem Size
- (Kb)
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._v_i_e_w_e_r_s (default) 160
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._v_i_e_w_e_r_s__a_u_d_i_o (default) 210
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._v_i_e_w_e_r_s__h_t_m_l (default) 1230
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._v_i_e_w_e_r_s__i_m_a_g_e (default) 80
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._v_i_e_w_e_r_s__i_n_v_e_n_t_o_r (default) 30
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._s_w._r_a_p_i_d_a_p_p__m_o_v_i_e (default) 1270
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._b_o_o_k_s._d_a_t_a_w__U_G (default) 720
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._m_a_n._m_a_n_p_a_g_e_s (default) 20
- _m_e_d_i_a__w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e._m_a_n._r_e_l_n_o_t_e_s (default) 10
- 2.3 _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n__M_e_t_h_o_d
- All of the subsystems for MediaWarehouse can be installed
- using IRIX. You do not need to use the miniroot. Refer to
- the _I_R_I_S _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e for complete
- installation instructions.
- 2.4 _P_r_e_r_e_q_u_i_s_i_t_e_s
- To install media_warehouse.books.dataw_UG, you must also
- install:
- 1. insight.sw.data
- - 3 -
- The viewer framework and image viewer are required by the
- IRIX Interactive Desktop(TM). Other media viewers may be
- installed separately. Their prerequisites are listed below.
- The viewer framework may also be installed separately, e.g.,
- for use in other applications.
- To install the MediaWarehouse viewer framework,
- media_warehouse.sw.viewers, you must also install:
- 1. ViewKit_eoe.sw.base
- 2. motif_eoe.sw.eoe
- 3. desktop_base.sw.dso
- To install the MediaWarehouse audio viewer,
- media_warehouse.sw.viewers_audio, you must also install:
- 1. dmedia_eoe.sw.common
- 2. dmedia_eoe.sw.audio
- 3. dmedia_eoe.sw.lib
- To install the MediaWarehouse movie viewer,
- media_warehouse.sw.viewers_movie, you must also install:
- 1. dmedia_eoe.sw.common
- 2. dmedia_eoe.sw.lib
- To install the MediaWarehouse image viewer,
- media_warehouse.sw.viewers_image, you must also install:
- 1. il_eoe.sw.c++
- To install the MediaWarehouse Inventor and VRML viewer,
- media_warehouse.sw.viewers_inventor, you must also install:
- 1. inventor_eoe.sw.inventor
- To install the MediaWarehouse hypertext markup language
- (HTML) viewer, media_warehouse.sw.viewers_html, you must
- also install:
- 1. WV_eoe.sw.dso
- All of the above prerequisites will be enforced
- automatically by the installation tool.
- - 4 -
- Your workstation must be running at least release IRIX 6.2
- in order to use Release 1.1 of this product.
- 2.5 _C_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n__F_i_l_e_s
- The MediaWarehouse uses a configuration file
- /usr/lib/mediaw/mediawrc. Users may edit this file to add
- support for new data types. The syntax of this file is
- described in both the reference page and the Insight book.